Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Discussion In UN Net Summit

According to “controversy blights UN net summit”, Jo Twist said that this UN net summit, had a lot of countries attending. They discussed around three problems; the first one was that rich nations didn’t give enough help for poor countries about technologies. Second one is whether people need someone to oversee and control the net. Third one is weather all digital citizens should have enough freedom to know and talk about global information.
This world summit is a world meeting to improve technologies and knowledge. We shouldn’t just give some pledges, but a little reaction. All the nations should have responsibility to oversee and run the net because it is a world resource. The Internet is also a society, but it also needs some law, because sometimes being limited is a way for better freedom of expression.
Technologies and knowledge are human rights so all of the people need to know it. Developing countries should give enough help to developed countries because cooperation is the best way to improve technologies. If people attended this summit, it means they find problems and want to solve them with other nations. Sometimes most old technologies are not needed for rich nations, but they should give them more help. If our small help can change other people’s lives, why don’t we do that?
All the nations should have responsibility to oversee and run the net. The Net is not just for developing countries or the UN. Global digital citizens use the Internet so they all have responsibility to build a green and safe net. The Net is a platform for all the people, people can take and send information with it so that all the people should oversee the net. It is not just for one person or one country to be able to control it.
The global information society expressing freedom is a right, but all the rights need laws to protect them. On the other hand, sometimes we need to limit people’s freedom because some bad speech may hurt net safety. Different countries have different traditions and culture, so we cannot use one way to solve different problems. We shouldn’t wait for problems. If there are no criminals on the net, we shouldn’t need some laws to limit our freedom.
The world summit is the best time to get together to know how to cooperate for developing technologies. We should try our best to help other poor countries and oversee the net. We should share our information and give enough freedom of expression.
Twist , J (2005, November 18). Controversy blights UN net summit. BBC News. Retrieved March 19, 2008, from

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