Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Wikipedia has three bad influences

The Wikipedia is very popular right now. It likes Google and Yahoo that you can search information as quickly as you can. Also you can put your opinions on it. It is very useful and quickly to find some sources, but it also has some bad influences. The first one is the Wikipedia gives people too much freedom so every people can write anything on it. The second one is the Wikipedia gives people unreal information sometimes. The third one is the Wikipedia affects education of school students.
The first one is the Wikipedia gives people too much freedom so every people can write anything on it. The Internet is the other society so we should keep it clean. If people get too much freedom, they can write some bad discussions and put it on Wikipedia. When people look at it, maybe they will believe it. Wikipedia articles can be written and put their articles by anyone at anytime (Wolverton, Wikipedia, Vanguard, 2007, Para, 7). People can put violence information and instigate people to against the government, for example, some people want to separate Xizhang out of China so they put said that they will try to rush torch of Olympic game right now. Some people believe their opinions and commit crime so Wikipedia should limit people’s rights.
The second one is the Wikipedia gives people unreal information sometimes. Anyone can put their articles on the Wikipedia so some information just depends on people. Maybe they will change something to prove their opinions. You don’t need real name and all of your personal information so people don’t afraid that police will find him one day. “ The internet will never be like the school library. Nor should it be. Its value as a communication medium lies in its openness and diversity”(Lengel, 2006, Para, 12). It is not like library book, or in the newspaper, or on television because all of this media are well mediated (Lengel, 2006, Para, 12).
The third one is Wikipedia affects education of school students. The Wikipedia supports too much information and sources that students can easily get what they want. “This website has grown into an immensely useful resource for background information on a wide range of scientific subjects, and can serve as a quick reference for any number of scientific facts” (Parry, 2008, Para, 6). They do not need to think too much by themselves. Students had poor skills of assess the relevance and authority of information sources by themselves (Bilodeau, 2008, Para, 11). Students will become lazy of thinking how to independent thinking and they just pick information from the Wikipedia. Sometimes there is some unreal information in it.
Although the Wikipedia is very useful in our life, we should know how to separate good information and bad information. The Wikipedia should limit people’s rights and keep the website clean. The teachers should help students know how to think and pick ideas by themselves.
Jason Wolverton, Wikipedia Wisdom, Valley Vanguard, Jan. 22. 2007. It was retrieved on April 23, 2008. http://www.svsu,edu/clubs/vnguard/stories/1141
Jim Lengel, Authority, Teaching with Technology, 2/07/2006. It was retrieved on April 23,2008.

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